The Pinky Promise is one of Beijo Designer Handbag signature collection. It will never be made again. This means that your purchase of this exclusive limited bag is a once in a lifetime exclusive opportunity.
I have 9 bags left in stock and they are being sold as a first come, first receive. The bag can be carried by its ribbon handle, or used with the long strap that also comes with it.
It has zipper closure, which is rare for handbags of its size, and also interior pockets. It comes with 5 metal feet, that is at the bottom of the bag and is known for its cleanliness and doesn’t allow the base of your bag to touch the floor.
The bag comes autographed by Dr. Carolyn and is unique to just you. This means that you can share that you have an autographed Signature Collection, Pinky Promise Beijo Designer Handbag, which you can use all year round. I carry mine and I get compliments all the time.
Color is Fuchsia Pink and Baby Pink. It is definitely a conversation piece and you can buy it for someone or for your personal use.
For the month of October and until they are gone, they are on sale for $115 including shipping (if applicable). Sale ends 10/30/24 or before while supplies last.
In addition, the first 4 customer will also receive a signature Beijo Pink Keychain ($35 value) at no additional cost for you. I only have 4 remaining.
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Only 9 left in stock
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